Candida, joint pains, sore throat & low energy
“Having been scared of acupuncture at first, I have not regretted seeing Dr Lin who has treated all of my symptoms associated with Candida, joint pains, sore throat & energy with great success. I now feel 100% better than before acupuncture.”
Thank you once again Dr Lin for helping me feel so much better.

Mr Kees Beijers - Greytown
Frozen shoulders
For a few months I have been walking around with a extreme painful shoulder.I went to the doctor who gave me a cortison and a Voltarin injection. No improvement at all.Then I went to a Chiropractor several times.No improvement.Then I saw DR.Lin and made an appointment immediately and after 5 visits,the pain was gone! Thanks to Dr. Lin.

Mrs Liz Leite
Lower back pain
At the time of starting treatment with Dr Lin, I was suffering from severe lower back pain. I'd had the pain for 4 months, the cause was probably a minor motor vehicle accident, 3 months prior to the onset of the pain. I tried physio; manipulation plus medication, but there was no relief; the pain became even worse after treatments. Dr Lin was able to see me immediately, after the first treatment there was some relief. After 8 consecutive treatments, I am pain free - I couldn't believe the relief, to be able to lie down, stand up in church during the praise plus worship time plus to sleep at night. It has been 2 weeks since my last treatment, and I am pain free, I can now go on to start an exercise program to strengthen my muscles.
Dr Lin is a patient, kind + caring doctor.
Thank you so much Dr Lin.

Keshav Padayachee
This came at a very stressful time in our lives when Keshav was having severe headaches which were interfering with his education in Grade 3.He was then diagnosed with severe sphenoiditis(sinusitis). After a failed operation we were told to do more aggressive surgery and had already been to many specialists including a professor for other opinions.
Having found out about Dr Lin we had our first visit and was already impressed by the atmosphere in his clinic. Keshav was prescribed some Chinese medication which to him tasted aweful but we kept reminding him of how important it was for him to be healed. “Imagine! No more headaches!” we said to Keshav. He was then delighted at trying acupuncture which I never in a million years thought he would! Dr Lin was impressed at Keshav’s enthusiasm and had his first acupuncture session.
He did say that it hurt for the first few seconds after he used the ‘painless” needles but subsided. It obviously was just the nervousness which came from any human fear for needles. Keshav already felt results after the first couple of sessions and continued the prescribed Chinese medication.
Very importantly we all need to watch what we eat! Dr Lin recommended an awesome diet to follow and to avoid similar and many other the unnecessary illnesses and diseases. It was a huge but exciting challenge for my family at first.
Deenadayalan being treated to various other problems including stress, insomnia and bloatedness had only a few sessions with Dr Lin and is still taking some prescribed Chinese medicine, is feeling much better and is amazed by the improvement
I had been treated for candida with Dr Lin and after a good few sessions and Chinese medication felt much more comfortable as a woman.
It is very beneficial to continue with at least one follow-up treatment a month or more if you want to maintain your health especially now that we are living during global warming times. I also have to conclude with the importance of eating and drinking healthily and living a clean lifestyle.
Thank you for taking the time to read our testimony and I know that you will have only positive experiences if you are positive.
Amod Khan
I visited Dr Lin in January when I noticed that I had this problem Bells Palsy. Dr. Lin started treatment and advised that this could take some time to heal , however , he also advised that this could be corrected after continuous treatment. After some time the results show a vast improvement as shown. Thank you Dr. Lin.
Kind Regards Amod Khan
Ms A. Kloppers
Candida infection, IBS, eating disorders for 25 years
Dear Dr Alan Lin
Although I cannot thank you enough for your help in curing my digestive and eating disorders which I had battled with for approximately 25 years I hope that this letter will give you an idea of how much your treatment has assisted me and how grateful I am to you for all you have done.
My recovery has changed my life, in addition to feeling physically healthy and energetic, I now feel more confident and more informed as to how to maintain my well being, thanks to your enthusiastic willingness to share your knowledge. I have found your help both encouraging and empowering and I have no doubt that all your patients share my sense of gratitude for the information, suggestions and tips you share with us. Your professional, compassionate and friendly manner has always made me feel comfortable enough to discuss any problems or questions I may have had relating to my condition.
In addition to thanking you for successfully treating my physical symptoms, I would also like to express my enormous gratitude to you for the interest you have shown in my emotional and spiritual well-being. The past year has been a difficult one on many levels and your encouragement and friendship have helped my self-confidence greatly. My consultations with you have always left me feeling inspired and enthusiastic about life and with renewed energy to plan for the future.
I wish you every success for the future - I have no doubt that you will become a leader in your profession and that you will be in huge demand, both as a Doctor and as a Teacher.
With sincere thanks and warmest wishes
Connie Khumalo
HBP, Diabetes, Depression, hot flushes
Feeling so refreshed and full of energy after being at BMS acupuncture clinic in Westville. Thank you Dr Lin for giving back my life. Each time I think about this I get emotional. When I look back 6 years ago I thought I would be dead by now. I had all health issues one could possibly think of but you helped me. As a result I haven't been to a GP for six years sometimes I see you as my God sent angel. You are always willing to listen to whatever I tell you and help me with a smile, your health advise and medication you give me is very helpful. I owe you my life and ask myself how can I repay you. May the God you serve bless you.
Ms Cathy Lee
Dear Dr Alan Lin
My name is Cathy and I was overweighed before I came to Dr Lin, I had tried many ways to lose weight, e.g. Medicine or diets etc. But it just didn't help at all, although I only ate a little for meals, but I just couldn't lose weight, and I felt weaker and weaker from just having little quantity of food.
I have been introduced to Dr Alan. First time when I met him, he diagnosed and examined me carefully, said I had toxic in my body, and I had problems in my spleen, liver and kidney, so that caused me to get overweighed, he then said to me to lose weight needed to have a procedure, must have right concepts of losing weight, and it must be done in a healthy way. He then gave me acupuncture treatment to detox and balance my organs, and asked me to following diets, after 1 week I already lost 2kg, but I felt very energetic, not tired at all. On my tenth treatment I have already lost 8kg, Dr Lin then asked me to stop the treatment, he said I just need to carry on the diet, because he had detoxed me and balanced my organs, so even now I already stopped the treatment, but yet I found I have been still losing weight slowly.
I would like to recommend those of you who want to lose weight, don't do it blindly, Dr Alan will help you to find out the cause of overweight, and must do it healthily just like me, now I became more slim and healthy.
Thank you Dr Alan for your succeed treatment on me!!
Mrs T. Iyer - Resivor Hills
Insomnia for about 1 year ( on sleeping pills )
I have been suffering from insomnia, I have tried every diet and herbal tablet to no avail, eventually I started taking sleeping tablets, I hated the thought of being addicted to sleeping tablets for the rest of my life but I could not help myself
During September, I met Dr Alan Lin a the Body Show at the ICC, I spoke to him about my problem, and I was impressed by his dedication and patience. He is so caring, courteous and loving and always goes the extra mile for his patients.
He slowly weaned me off my sleeping tablets. I have completed my treatment and am very happy to say that I sleep so well now.
Sue Brown
After suffering a stroke which left the left side of my body paralysed, I had been treated yb a couple of people which did help towards my path of recovery, before my daughter, Sally, mentioned Dr Lin to me.
I then became his patient and he was able to wake up the inactive muscles and nerves in my left leg, which had been dormant for 2 years after the stroke. Being an avid ice skater for over 20 years, I was then able to get back on the ice and just do some basic skating, I also regained the movement of my fingers in my left hand, which enabled me to type, even if it was at a slower rate.
My walking improved as my foot did not drag, and I was able to lift my left arm above my head.
It was great to feel my muscle returning to life after a long absence.
After what he did for my recovery, I have passed his name on to many other people who would benefit from his healing.
I would like to thank you Dr Lin for helping me to get better.
Mr Mike Posemann - Musgrave DBN
High blood pressure and acid reflux for 3 years
At the time of commencing treatment with Dr. Alan Lin I was suffering from high blood pressure and acid reflux. I was on a daily dose of prexim and Lanzorac.
Alan immediately put me on what was essentially a fruit and vegetable diet and I had two acupuncture treatments per week.
Soon after commencement of the treatment I reduced my dosage of Lanzorac and after roughly a month stopped taking it altogether. I was free from the acid reflux.
After another roughly one month I started weaning myself off the prexim and after 10 weeks of acupuncture treatment I stopped the prexim altogether.
I have now been off prexim and Lanzorac for roughly 3 months without any side effects due entirely to the diet prescribed by Alan, the acupuncture treatments and the daily intake of a small quantity of my son's Himalayan crystal salt mixed with water.
I have also lost about 10kgs since commencing the treatment.
I highly recommend Dr Alan Lin for the treatment of high blood pressure and acid reflux. It has worked for me.
Mr Surren Singh
Gout for 8 years
I Surren Singh Aged 51 years old residing in Gauteng have been suffering from severe gout in my limbs for the past 8 years. I have been to several GPs over the years but the condition just got worse. I did however get a bit of relief from various types of medication. At times it was so severe that for weeks I walked with the aid of crutches and there were times I was forced to remain in bed as I could not move at all. I was informed by various GPs that there was temporary relief but no cure. It was a chronic condition that I had to live with.
In October 2007 whilst in sever pain and limping badly. I had the good fortune of getting in contact with Dr Alan Lin who after hearing of my condition and examining me, promised to help and possibly even cure me. I had nothing to lose and accepted his treatment of acupuncture.
The first treatment was at 20H30 that evening and I felt an instant relief. When I returned for my second appointment I could actually drive and walk without a limp and the swelling of my knee had subsided. I really could not believe that just a single session with Dr Lin could have such a positive impact to my health. I did not enjoy this comfort for years. I knew that the treatment was going to cure me. By the forth session, my legs were back to normal and there was no pain at all. I had discontinued all medication. After the first treatment by Dr Lin, I did not require any since then.
In October 2007 I was on voltaren injections and prior to that, disprin and voltaren tablets every two hours for about six months.
In addition Dr Lin diagnosed liver problems due to work strain and high blood pressure which he has rectified also by means of acupuncture. I am once again a healthy and energetic person that I used to before the gout started.
I can truly state that acupuncture definitely works and I strongly recommend the treatment by Dr Alan Lin who are experiencing similar conditions.
Mrs Kogie Naidoo
Cervical Spondylosis
Dear Dr Alan Lin
Words cannot explain my gratitude and my thanks to you for giving me back my health and life, I would like to thank you for the kind , caring person that you are and for having the patients interest and wellbeing at heart, which is so rare these days in the hectic world we live in .
In 2006, I was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis , since then I have been in and out of hospital as my condition was just getting worse I was on traction / medication / every time the pain got worse the medication got stronger , without any success , I lived with pain 24 hours a day , I didn’t know what a full nights sleep was as I used to be up every few hours because of the pain . I used to be in constant tears because of the pain , at one stage I got so depressed that I even thought about suicide as I just couldn’t handle the pain anymore . My health problem put a strain on my family ,It also caused a financial strain on me as , I have been exhausting medical Aid by mid year and I had to pay cash for medication and all other treatments . In the 4 years I have been advised by a Neurosurgeon that I require a spinal operation , which I was determined not to have as I did research and spoke to patients that had the operation , the operation has its side effects also there is no guarantee that the operation will be successful. I also spent a lot of money with a chiropractioner who doesn’t believes in operations however this treatment was also not successful. Early this year i tried acupuncture , but it was a very different method , it also did not help me with my problem.
Soon after I heard of Dr Alan Lin , who came highly recommended and I decided to try his method of treatment , Dr Alan lin has been treating me for 2 months , with his advise to change my diet and acupuncture , I am now feeling back to my normal self , im a happy person again , full of energy having a full nights sleep and most important 90 % pain free.
Dr Alan Lin Thank you for giving me back my health and life , may god continue to bless you so that you can help others like me
Devi Moodley
psoriatic arthritis
I am 59 years old and have had rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis since I was in my twenties. Although I believe that this is hereditary, it started after an accident that I had. Since then I saw numerous doctors and specialists who prescribed medication and physiotherapy which initially helped but always came back with a vengeance. Over the years I have come to accept that I have to live with the disease but have been treated with strong medication that enabled me to work all these years.
I was advised by several people to see an acupuncturist but since I had had so many different treatments, I did not see the reason why this would be any different, so did not pursue this.
However over the last few years the joint pain increased and to add to this, I started getting migraine attacks. Again acupuncture was suggested so I decided to give it a try. A friend gave me Dr Lin,s contact details. I have been having acupuncture for the past 4 months and cannot believe the difference! My pain has decreased to a great extent, I have not had any migraine attacks, just headaches every now and again (this is largely due to the stress at work) I am not taking many pain killers any more and at the end of my treatment am sure that I can throw them away.
I am so glad that I went this route finally. Had I known the benefits it would have, I would not have waited this long to try it. But better late than never I suppose. I am really really grateful to Dr Lin. I feel more positive about everything now.
I would recommend acupuncture to everyone
Nicky Rebelo - Westville
4 cm cyst in the Uterus
Dear Dr Lin
I went to my gynae for an annual check up and he discovered a cyst approximatley 4cm. He suggested going on the pill to shrink it so he could see if it was a cyst or endometriosis. I was referred to you by my mother who you had helped with her siatica nerve. I began treatment with you twice a week for a month. The treatments were not painful and I always felt energised after a session. Together with your medication and the treatment my mood swings had stopped and I was feeling great.
I went to my gynae for a scan check after six weeks and the cyst had completely gone. There are however a few tiny cysts that could have been growing behind the other cyst he said this is normal for my age but suggested I carry on with treatment.
This proves that acupuncture does work and is in fact very good for you. Thank you for your professional approach and your concern
Mr Menny Moniz - From JHB
Stiff and pain on neck and shoulder for 30 years
Dear Dr Lin
I have had this pain behind my neck for nearly 30 years, from when I was 20 years old
I met Dr Alan Lin through a friend and he has been treating me, from the first treatment I have felt the pain more bearable. The pain also seems to spread out more, also not as intense as before. After the second treatment it was difficult to feel where the pain had been before. After the third treatment the pain is just not there.
It is so hard to believe that after living so long with this burden, it is gone, I feel so much better and younger.
Margaret Olds - Hillcrest
back pain for 25 years
For 25 years I suffered from pain in the lower part of my back and was always awoken in this horrid way in the mornings after very little and disrupted sleep, it felt like someone or something was sawing through my back. Of course it got progressively worse over the years and after seeing many different doctors and specialist and having all sorts of tests, colonoscopies and gastroscopies (sometimes getting temporary relief) I’d resigned myself to the fact that I’d have to live with this and few hours sleep a night for the rest of my life!... The last couple of years however I also developed terrible gas and bloating at all times and if that was not enough I also got really hot at the base of my feet when I lay down to sleep at night and had Candida so often...decent sleep was a thing of the past.....I envied those who were having peaceful sleep as this was the time I was searching the medicine cabinet for some sort of relief. I always looked pregnant, -it was really embarrassing and I found myself avoiding people or public places wherever I could, I also battled to lose weight and felt depressed and very miserable !
I met a lady who suffered from similar ailments at a function I was hastily trying to get away from because of all the pain from building gas and she told me about this amazing Doctor who did acupuncture and how he had helped her...I thought yeah yeah!..but I was desperate and would try anything or anyone at this stage and also I had been helped greatly by acupuncture in the past. My husband felt the same so we made an appointment with Dr. Lin........The rest is history. I have never looked back,
Dr. Lin YOU are amazing!!!! I never ever bloat anymore, I sleep well, no more hot feet, no more itching, my cholesterol has dropped from 8.8 to normal without any medication...just a good eating plan AND I have lost 11Kg in 5 months.....ABOVE all this man is the most caring Doctor I’ve met!!!
Dave Young
Pinch Nerve
I had been experiencing chronic pain in my right arm for about 3 months before I decided that I had to see a doctor about it because the pain just became too much. My doctor diagnosed it as a pinched or trapped nerve in the C5 or C6 region of my spine and referred me to a neurosurgeon. I thought about it for a few days and decided against going to the neurosurgeon for 2 reasons: there is never any guarantee of success and because of the cost involved. So instead I went to a chiropractor who charged me R230 for 4 minute sessions, and I had to attend 3 sessions a week so it got very expensive and the horrible thing is, there was no improvement.
So I researched acupuncture on the internet and contacted Dr Alan Lin. I must confess that I was apprehensive about my first visit but I had no need to be. Dr Lin explained the procedure and made me comfortable. I had imagined that it would be painful having long needles inserted into my body. How wrong could I be? I felt nothing at all.
After the first treatment I felt no improvement at all - in fact I imagined that the pain had gotten worse! But from the second treatment onwards the relief was remarkable. I started with 2 sessions a week and then Dr Lin recommended 3. I visited Dr Lin regularly for 6 weeks and recently completed my last treatment with him. Now, instead of pain I feel only a light tingling sensation in my hand, and this will soon disappear as the nerve repairs.
So thanks to Dr Lin for literally changing my life! To live pain free is a wonderful thing that would not have been possible without his intervention.
Mr C Pillay
Low back pain & to stop smoking for 20 years
Dear Dr Alan Lin
I had very severe lower back pain when I got up on one day morning, I couldn't get up from bed, then I have been introduced to Dr Alan, he asked me to see him even it was public holiday that I could not find other doctors could see me.
He diagnosed me and said there were many blockages on my meridians around the waist, and he had to open up for me, I asked him how many sessions would I need to recover? He told me 5 sessions, after first session, I felt a little bit of relief, and it came back on the second day, he told me that was normal and I just needed to carry on treatment, I was a bit doubted but could not help but carry on, after the third treatment I am nearly 70% recovered, then I was full of confidence to continue my treatment, and Dr Alan told me blockages had been nearly opened, after fifth treatment, I just got cured, and felt no pain at all, Dr Alan then taught me ways to soften my waist muscles.
In addition Dr Alan also helped me to stop smoking, I would like to thank Dr Alan for successfully treating my physical symptoms, and as well as he has always being kind and encouraging to patients, he is a reliable doctor as well as a spiritual mate.
Thank you so much Dr Alan Lin
Mrs. Mali Delomoney
Shoulder pain
I've been suffering from the most excruciating pain for more than two years, and I had many sleepless nights.The pain was on my right- running down my neck, ear, shoulder and down my arm. I found it extremly difficult to turn my neck or move my hand.I tried many medications and cortezone injections, but,sadly, the relief was for only a short while.I eventually gave up hope.
It was just by chance I came across Dr.Lin's pamphlet / flyer and read some of the write ups.So, I decided to try his treatment although I was afraid and nervous. I am happy I did because I fully recovered.
The excellent treatment I received from Dr. Lin changed my whole life.I enjoy my sleep and I am leading a normal healthy life again.Though his treatment takes time it is genuine. He does not use any form of drugs.What I learnt from his treatment is that one has to be patient and be positive; also take whatever advice is given.I have been on the treatment twice a week for three months two years ago.That excruciating pain has now disappeared !!!
Thanks a million Dr Lin !!! You made a big difference in my life with your treatment and I made the right decision coming to you with my problem.You are a very dedicated and compassionate person; you even go the extra mile to attend to the needs of your patients with lots of love and care.ABOVE ALL YOU ARE VERY HUMANE.
May God bless you and keep up your excellent work.